Please choose your desired chart or chart series from the selection below. Each of the listed charts features the most up-to-date numbers on crucial California real estate trends, alongside original in-depth analysis from first tuesday.
Want to receive a weekly snapshot of market charts and trends each week? Sign up for our email newsletter to have our Weekly Statistical Update delivered to your inbox each week!
1. Housing in California
- Home Sales Volume (Monthly) (8/16/12)
- Home Sales Volume (Yearly) (4/20/12)
- Home Sales Pricing (Case-Shiller Indexes) (8/28/12)
- Equilibrium Pricing Trendline (8/7/12)
- Square-Foot Price Analysis (12/06/11)
- SFR and Multi-Family Construction Starts (8/21/12)
- Home Ownership Rate (2/5/12)
- Rental Vacancy Rate (2/5/12)
- REO Resales (7/23/12)
- Total CA Vacancy Rates vs. Construction (5/8/12)
- Total CA Vacancy Rates vs. NODs (5/8/12)
- Total CA Vacancy Rates vs. Employment (5/8/12)
2. The Real Estate Market
- Tracking the Market (S&P 500, P/E Ratio) (7/30/12)
- Nonfarm Payroll Employment (Statewide) (8/22/12)
- Nonfarm Payroll Employment (5-County) (8/22/12)
- Unemployment (8/22/12)
- Personal Bankruptcies in CA (3/28/12)
- Personal Savings Nationwide Since 1952 (5/2/12)
- Personal Savings Nationwide, Quarterly (5/2/12)
- Homebuyer Sentiment (5/8/12)
- REIT Values and Returns (7/30/12)
- Yield Spread Recession Probability (8/2/12)
- Inflation Figures (5/3/12)
- Auto sales and home sales volume (9/5/12)
3. Mortgage Loans
- ARMs vs. FRM Rates in CA (6/25/12)
- ARMs vs. Home Pricing in CA (6/25/11)
- NODs and Trustee’s Deeds Recorded (7/24/12)
- Trustee’s Deeds as a percent of NODs (7/24/12)
- % of Mortgage Balance 90+ Days Delinquent (6/1/12)
- Annual Percent Change in Mortgage Funds Available (4/9/12)
- Total Recurring Loan Costs: MIP vs. PMI (8/1/12)
- 10 Year Treasury and 30 Year Mortgage Rates (9/6/12)
4. Real Estate Brokers and Agents
- The 30 Top Brokers in CA by Number Employed (1/24/12)
- RE Broker and Agent Population (9/10/12)
- RE Broker and Agent Licensing (7/30/12)
5. Demographics of Homeownership
- Homeownership by Age (Western Census Region) (3/6/12)
- CA Population Since 1980 (6/24/11)
- Population of CA’s Top 5 Counties (6/24/11)
- Population of NorCal’s Top 5 Counties (6/24/11)
- Per Capita Income of SoCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- Per Capita Income of NorCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- Median Age of SoCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- Median Age of NorCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- High School Graduation Rate of SoCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- High School Graduation Rate of NorCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- Percent with BA/BS in SoCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- Percent with BA/BS in NorCal’s Top 5 Counties (7/26/12)
- CA Population Aged Over 65 (3/6/12)
- First Time Homebuyers and New Housing (7/10/11)
- Rate of CA and US Population Growth (6/15/11)
6. Interest Rates Affecting Real Estate Transactions
- The Yield Spread (8/6/12)
- Average 30-Year Conventional Commitment Rate (9/6/12)
- Average 15-Year Conventional Commitment Rate (9/6/12)
- 10-Year T-Notes: Average Market Yield (9/6/12)
- 91-Day Treasury Bill: Average Auction Rate (9/6/12)
- 3-Month Treasury Bill (8/9/12)
- 6-Month Treasury Bill: Average Auction Rate (8/9/12)
- Treasury Securities Avg. Yield: 1-Year Constant Maturity (8/30/12)
- 12-Month Treasury Average (9/6/12)
- Cost-Of-Funds Index: 11th FHLBB District (8/30/12)
- Combined Average Rates and 12-Month Treasury Average (9/6/12)
- London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (8/30/12)
- Prime Rate (8/30/12)
- Discount Rate: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (8/30/12)
- Applicable Federal Rates (8/2/12)
Dear Scott,
We have recently updated the “Residential Environmental Hazards Disclosure Booklet for Buyers.” [first tuesday Form 316-1]
The new version contains the updated “Residential Environmental Hazards Disclosure Booklet for Buyers,”
and includes the “What is Your Home Energy Rating?” publication, new to the 2012 update.
The updated “Residential Environmental Hazards Disclosure Booklet for Buyers” can be accessed from the “first tuesday Forms Downloads and Updates” page from within your Student Homepage at http://www.firsttuesday.us.
It is also available from the “first tuesday journal online” under the “Membership Benefits” subhead located at the bottom of the center column.
Do you have the most current earthquake/hazard book online or in a booklet that includes the most current changes?