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Are you thinking about selling your home?
Here’s how to get started:
1. De-clutter storage areas. Homebuyers love storage –
especially closets. Make sure your closets look their best by organizing and making sure these areas aren’t overfilled with stuff. If you’re not ready to part ways with your stored items, consider renting out a storage unit for a few months.
2. Hide the pet evidence. While you can’t put your pets in storage while you’re showing your house, you can take some steps to reduce their presence in the home. Keep pet beds, dishes and toys tucked away when homebuyers are near and ask a friend or family member if your pets can stay over at their house whenever you show the home. Most importantly, make sure to eliminate pet odors by deep cleaning any carpets.
3. Remove personal items. Homebuyers try to imagine how their families will fit in the space, so evidence of your own family may deter their imaginations (and their offers). Replace personal photos with generic, tasteful artwork. The more conventional your decorations, the more likely your home will appeal to all buyers.
4. Interview your real estate agent. The most important step in selling your home for the best price and in the desired timeline is to hire the right agent. I’m dedicated to helping you sell your home with the right help — contact me today to set up a time for us to discuss your selling needs.