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Fire harden your home today
California’s wildfire season with Santa Anas is in full swing, again. Fire hardening your home reduces the chance of ignition from direct flames, radiant heat and stray embers from a neighboring wildland fire.
Use this list to survey your home for ember- and fire-resistant upgrades.
WINDOWS can break from heat exposure before the home is aflame
- Install or upgrade to multi-pane tempered glass
- Remove all vegetation or other combustible materials within 5 feet of windows and
glass doors
GARAGES are especially vulnerable as ember and ash can enter as easily as dust
- Install weather stripping or gaskets under and around the garage door
- Learn how to operate your garage door when you are without power
ROOFS bear the greatest exposure risk to fire embers
- Replace your roof with Class-A fire-rated materials such as tile, metal, asphalt or shingles
- Plug gaps between the roof covering and sheathing to prevent embers from entering
It’s never too late to design a fire-hardening plan.
Contact me to discuss more ways to protect your property and its resale value.
Editor’s Note –Looking for a FARM letter on fire prevention and defensible space? See firescaping your property!