This article examines how a landlord of property controlled by the TPA calculates the maximum lawful annual rent increase chargeable to existing tenants, called rent caps.
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This article examines how a landlord of property controlled by the TPA calculates the maximum lawful annual rent increase chargeable to existing tenants, called rent caps.
By receiving a fee, an agency is created — but not with whom you thought.
A Section 35 higher-priced mortgage loan classification triggers certain appraisal report requirements.
California job additions continue; Job growth contracts; The yield spread forecasts the next recession.
These forms are used by a sellers agent as part of the Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) to comply with city or county ordinance disclosure requirements and to disclose information about service and maintenance providers currently used on a property listed for sale.
This is the final article in our series covering broker recruitment strategies. This article explores how a broker solicits licensees as preferred hires for growing an office staff using direct mail recruitment.
This is the third article in our four-part series covering broker recruitment strategies. This article details the steps a broker needs to take for a highly effective interview to take place and the main characteristics to look for in an ideal hire.
Learn when a consumer-purpose mortgage falls under Section 32 limitations and disclosure rules.
This article covers legal updates for landlords conducting a no-fault just cause eviction.