Real Estate Principles: Video™

A dynamic and multimedia collection of fundamental real estate concepts – step into the future of learning.
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An agent’s perception of riches

An agent’s perception of riches

Learn to estimate the potential income, expenses and initial investment you experience as a newly licensed agent employed by a broker and how to evaluate competing broker firms for suitability with your professional goals and expectations.

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Broker activities: by the agent of the agent

Broker activities: by the agent of the agent

Learn how brokers oversee agents, the office policies a broker puts in place to comply with their duties owed to clients and the Department of Real Estate (DRE), and how licensee status relates to labor regulations, taxation and issues of liability.

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Errata & Updates

  • Effective January 1st, 2021, California homeowners qualify for a net equity homestead protection of up to $300,000 or the median sale price for a single family residence (SFR) in the homeowner’s county in the calendar year prior to the year in which they claim the exemption, not to exceed $600,000 (adjusted annually for inflation). [CCP §704.730] For more on this topic, see Form-of-the-Week: Homestead exemption, an asset preservation declaration – Form 465