Facts: A landlord and tenant entered into a residential lease agreement. The landlord later sought to sell the property and wished to hold an open house on the weekend for the purpose of marketing the property to prospective buyers. The tenant refused to permit the landlord to hold an open house on the weekend.

Claim: The landlord sought to hold an open house on the weekend, claiming they had the right to show the property during a real estate agent’s normal business hours, which includes weekends.

Counter claim: The tenant sought to prevent the landlord from showing the property on weekends, claiming the tenant was not required to allow weekend access since the weekend was outside normal business hours.

Holding: A California Court of Appeals held the landlord was allowed to hold open houses during reasonable hours on the weekend since a real estate agent’s normal business hours include weekends. [Dromy v. Lukovsky (2013) __ CA4th __]