is the production staff comprised of legal editor Fred Crane, writer-editors Connor P. Wallmark, Amy Platero, Robin Jennings, Branden Ekas, consulting instructor Summer Goralik, graphic designer Mary LaRochelle, video instructor Bill Mansfield and video editors John Rojas, Quinn Stevenson and Jose Melendez Avila.
Athena Tutorial Academy
on January 12, 2014 at 10:41 pm
As is typical, the perpetrators of big white collar crimes are too big to arrest, just as the fraudulent and criminal banks are too big to fail. Now, how many of you wonder why that is?
The perpetrators get away with such crimes because those in government offices assigned to monitor their activities or prosecute them for criminal activity are themselves of like mind or are being paid off.
The current system under which we live is rigged to reward the scheisters at the top while robbing the general populace, just as Wall Street is rigged to enrich the big investors and owners of the ETF fund companies and defraud and rob the small investors.
But, don’t lose hope. If history is any indication, this “cycle of sinister” will soon be coming to an end, and the white collar criminal billionaires and multimillionaires will have the piper to pay. In Russia Putin already purged many of them from that country. And, China and North Korea are working on it now.
As is typical, the perpetrators of big white collar crimes are too big to arrest, just as the fraudulent and criminal banks are too big to fail. Now, how many of you wonder why that is?
The perpetrators get away with such crimes because those in government offices assigned to monitor their activities or prosecute them for criminal activity are themselves of like mind or are being paid off.
The current system under which we live is rigged to reward the scheisters at the top while robbing the general populace, just as Wall Street is rigged to enrich the big investors and owners of the ETF fund companies and defraud and rob the small investors.
But, don’t lose hope. If history is any indication, this “cycle of sinister” will soon be coming to an end, and the white collar criminal billionaires and multimillionaires will have the piper to pay. In Russia Putin already purged many of them from that country. And, China and North Korea are working on it now.