Calif. Civil Code §801.5, Calif. Government Code §66015
Added and amended by A. B. 1414
Effective date: January 1, 2018

The definition of “solar energy system” has been expanded to include any photovoltaic technology that is integrated into a building, such as windows, siding, roof shingles or tiles.

The residential permit fee a city or county may charge for the installation of a solar energy system is not to exceed $450 plus $15 per kilowatt for each kilowatt above 15kW, lowered from $500.

For residential thermal systems, the permit fee is not to exceed $450 plus $15 per kilowatt thermal for each kilowatt thermal above 10kWth.

For commercial thermal systems, the permit fee is not to exceed $1,000 for systems up to 30kWth, plus:

  • $7 per kilowatt thermal for each kilowatt thermal between 30kWth and 260kWth; and
  • $5 per kilowatt thermal for each kilowatt thermal above 260kWth.

A city may charge a permit fee exceeding these amounts if it finds substantial evidence that the reasonable cost to issue the permit is greater than the fee cap. The written finding is to take into account the reduction of permitting costs.

The permit fee caps have a sunset date of January 1, 2025.

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