A separate definition now exists for “mobilehome” and “manufactured housing.”
The new definitions have been added to state regulations regarding the scope of work for the General manufactured Housing Contractor (C-47) license classification.
Amended by SB 538:
Health and Safety Code §18000, §18007, and §18008
Health and Safety Code §§18000 et seq. is now called the Manufactured Housing Act of 1980.
Confusion existed regarding the difference between “manufactured housing” and “mobilehomes” and the implied interchangeability of the two terms in various statutes. Manufactured housing/homes are now defined as:
- all single family factory-constructed housing built on or after June 15, 1976 which are:
- transportable in one or more sections;
- is eight body feet or more in width, or 40 body feet or more in length, in the traveling mode, or, is 320 or more square feet when erected on site;
- is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a single family dwelling with or without a foundation when connected to the required utilities;
- includes plumbing, heating , air conditioning, and electrical systems; and
- are in compliance with federal standards.
A manufactured home also includes structures which meet all of the above requirements except for the size requirements if the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification and complies with the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Act of 1974.
Mobilehomes are now defined as:
- a structure constructed prior to June 15, 1976 which are:
- transportable in one or more sections;
- is eight body feet or more in width, or 40 body feet or more in length, in the traveling mode, or is 320 or more square feet when erected on site;
- is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a single family dwelling with or without a foundation when connected to the required utilities;
- includes plumbing, heating , air conditioning, and electrical systems; and
- are in compliance with the state standards in effect at the time of construction.
Mobilehomes do not include commercial modulars, factory-built housing, manufactured homes, multifamily manufactured homes, or recreational vehicles.
If state law uses the term “manufactured home” or “mobilehome” and, by context, it is clear that the term applies to both manufactured homes and mobilehomes without regard to the date of construction, then the law applies to both manufactured homes and mobilehomes.
Amended by SB 538:
Health and Safety Code §18008.7
“Multiunit manufactured housing” is now called “multifamily manufactured homes.”
However, both terms share the same definition.
Added by SB 538:
Business and Professions Code §7026.11
Individuals under the General Manufactured Housing Contractor (C-47) license classification may work on manufactured homes, mobilehomes, and multifamily manufactured homes, as now defined.