A broker uses RPI Form 590 when entering into a property management agreement with an owner and RPI Form 554 when a change of ownership occurs.
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A broker uses RPI Form 590 when entering into a property management agreement with an owner and RPI Form 554 when a change of ownership occurs.
The failure of the postal service to deliver the check within the grace period for payment does not cause the tenant to incur a late charge when USPS received the check during the grace period.
Landlords and property managers need to know what triggers and exempts the due-on clause, since mortgage holders enforce the due-on clause more frequently in times of rising interest rates.
A landlord uses RPI Forms 575, 575-1, 575-2 and 575-3 depending upon whether they are subject to just cause eviction requirements and the type of breach the tenant committed.
When a tenant materially breaches a lease agreement, the landlord may complete a surrender, in which the landlords accepts a return of possession from the tenant in exchange for cancelling the lease agreement.
In response to earthquakes and storms, the California Attorney General reminds landlords to be mindful of rent gouging.
Residential landlords use RPI Forms 564-1 and 564-2 to educate the tenant on mold and its hazards and RPI Form 563-1 to prohibit smoking on the property.
Read on for a summary of California property management laws and best practices.
An agent representing an owner of tenant-occupied property uses RPI Forms 352 and 598 to induce buyers or lenders to purchase the property and assure no competing claims exist from tenants.
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