This article covers legal updates for landlords conducting a no-fault just cause eviction.
Cap off your license renewal with this one-stop interdisciplinary volume included with your renewal course. Stay current on the latest news, videos, forms, and updates for Implicit Bias, Office Management & Supervision, Agency, Fair Housing, Trust Funds, Ethics and Risk Management.
This article covers legal updates for landlords conducting a no-fault just cause eviction.
Fee appraisers are to be compensated by mortgage lenders and their agents at a reasonable rate – but there are exceptions that effectively gut this rule.
This is the second article in our series covering broker recruitment strategies. This article details the main types of hires available to a broker, provides techniques to solicit prospective talent and advises on how to alter the solicitation approach depending upon the type of hire. The first article covers the creation and maintenance of a broker’s recruiting plan and goals.
What changes are ahead following the landmark lawsuit against NAR?
This is the first article in our series covering broker recruitment strategies. This article details how a broker’s business model, recruiting plan and recruiting goals are developed and maintained to help a brokerage function at its highest capacity and avoid becoming a stagnate office.
A new law requires three new sections to be added to the Environmental Hazards booklet.
This video covers delivery of the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure.
Learn how AMCs operate in California to maintain appraiser independence.
Chika Sunquist will step into the Commissioner role at the start of 2024.
No corrections reported.