The following is a partial list of real estate related statutes which have recently been chaptered.

Permitting firebreaks around hospital, schools and similar facilities


Added by SB 841: Calif. Public Resources Code §4291.3


State law requires property owners within a state responsibility area or a high fire hazard severity zone to provide for a 30-foot firebreak around structures on a property, along with an additional 70 feet of additional fire protection to equal a total of 100 feet of defensible space in case of fire, unless a local agency requires more than 100 feet in order to respond to local conditions.


A state or local fire official can now, at his discretion, authorize property owners to extend — up to a radius of 300 feet or to the property line, whichever is shorter — the defensible space surrounding:


·     hospitals;


·     adult residential care facilities;


·     schools;


·     aboveground storage tanks;


·     hazardous materials facilities; and


·     other similar critical facilities.


Additional firebreaks or the implementation of appropriate vegetation management techniques may be used to ensure the defensible space surrounding these facilities are adequate.