Question: Does RPI (Realty Publications, Inc.) publish “COVID-19” forms meant to extend contract deadlines and to help homebuyers and sellers agree to safety protocols?

Answer: RPI does not publish forms to be used specifically during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and endorses other practices to ensure a safe and timely transaction.

Editor’s note – RPI forms were previously branded as first tuesday forms.

Several readers have written in to ask about forms to be used during the COVID-19 pandemic. The forms most readers are looking for are in regard to:

  • extending closing dates as buyers or sellers wish to wait and see how the continuing economic fallout and the health impacts of COVID-19 may shift their plans; and
  • agreeing to health and safety protocols for touring a home and any other in-person meetings that may occur.

RPI does not publish a form to extend a transaction’s closing date, as it is unnecessary when using our purchase agreement. [See RPI Form 150]

RPI forms are deliberately engineered to be simple, forgoing the extraneous language often used by other form publishers while providing maximum protection from loss. Building on this goal of simplicity, RPI forms do not include a time essence provision seen in other form publishers’ forms such as those published by the trade union. Thus, while a specific form extending the closing date is not needed, you may use a general addendum to amend or extend an existing agreement as needed. [See RPI Form 250]

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California Real Estate Forms and the Freedom of Choice

As to a form covering health and safety protocols, there are presently no legal requirements to use a COVID-19 disclosure or questionnaire when touring or listing property.

As a matter of best practices, verbal communications about health and safety precautions are encouraged. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) publishes a guide for how to maintain social distancing and safety measures when touring and meeting with real estate clients. Each brokerage ought to stick to safety rules such as these and discuss these measures with their clients, tailored to the specific sensitivities of each individual. Further, while virtual tours are usually preferred, discussion is needed between agents of both the buyer and seller before bringing clients onto a seller’s property.

Instead of focusing on extra forms published by other form providers, brokers can focus on mandated forms, like the Condition of Property Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS), Agency Law Disclosure and others. [See RPI Forms 304 and 305]

Moreover, you will find that more information is to be had over the course of a verbal conversation than with answering a boilerplate questionnaire.

Editor’s note — Have a question about California real estate or a forms suggestion? Email our editorial department at and your question may be featured in our next Letter to the Editor.