A city adopted a zoning ordinance establishing a senior housing district which prevented existing senior-only mobile home parks within the district from converting to all-age housing. An owner of a senior-only mobile home park within the district sought permission to offer all-age housing, claiming the designation of his park as permanent  senior-only housing was invalid since it violated the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (“FHAA”) by requiring him to discriminate on the basis of familial status. The city claimed the park’s zoning designation as senior housing was valid since it fell under the FHAA’s senior exemption.  A California appeals court held the senior housing zoning preventing conversion to all-age housing was enforceable and did not violate the FHAA since senior housing zoning is exempt from age discrimination under the FHAA. [Putnam Family Partnership v. City of Yucaipa, California (2012) __ CA4th __]

Forms — first tuesday Form 350, Client Profile – Confidential Personal Data Sheet.