Use these Client Q&A Flyers to provide answers to questions commonly asked by your clients as an extension of your professional real estate services.
Each Q&A Flyer contains personalization instructions. Please email if you need assistance or have any suggestions for improving the content or presentation of these flyers — we’re here to help!
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Updated 03.30.2018
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- To unzip the flyers, double-click “Client Q&A” Select all folders and drag the contents to a new location, or follow the instructions of your unzipping program.
- To extract a single file, double-click “Client Q&A” and click the individual file you would like to open. Save or drag the file to a new location.
Newest Client Q&A Flyers
Basic Real Estate
Client Q&A Flyers about real estate basics – questions about real estate terms, properties and transactions.
Client Q&A Flyers about contracts and listing agreements.
Client Q&A Flyers about property disclosures and reports.
Client Q&A Flyers about property investigations and inspections.
Client Q&A Flyers about mortgages.