Is California real estate in the midst of a speculator-driven bubble?
- Yes. (62%, 68 Votes)
- No. (38%, 41 Votes)
Total Voters: 109
Posted by ft Editorial Staff | May 28, 2018 | Reader Polls, Real Estate | 1
is the production staff comprised of legal editor Fred Crane, writer-editors Connor P. Wallmark, Amy Platero, Robin Jennings, Lily Hart, consulting instructor Summer Goralik, graphic designer Mary LaRochelle, video instructor Bill Mansfield and video editors John Rojas, Quinn Stevenson and Jose Melendez Avila.
The key question is ‘what is a bubble’?
Every real estate cycle tests both extremes … the highs and the lows. So I would subject .. not every high can be considered a ‘bubble’ … it is just the norm.
The current cycle … starting around 2009 was coming out from a ‘bubble burst’ with high unemployment and tough lending criteria. This was indeed the market that allowed many investors jump into the market. In fact, wall street based reit’s fostered some of the bargain basement purchasing.
More recently, we have seen the real first time home buyers get into the game. Unfortunately some are a little late to the party. They continue extending themselves to buy a home but with potentially higher interest rates may bring a deep slow down…
Are we now at the peak!!? Yes.
If stock market valuations were to follow then we might indeed see a burst … but not because of more investors coming into the market now.