A call for feedback

In the Winter 2015 California Bureau of Real Estate (CalBRE) Real Estate Bulletin, Commissioner Wayne Bell wants to know: how can he improve CalBRE for you?

In response to past discussions with licensees, Commissioner Bell issued a call to improve the quality of real estate practice in California. His suggestions are to institute:

  • mentor programs, similar to the apprenticeship required of beginning appraisers;
  • practical training programs and practice guides; and
  • specialty designations for licensees who complete professional training and uphold industry standards of professionalism.

We’re on board with the Commissioner’s suggestions for enhanced training in basic and specialized real estate practices.

It’s no secret the bar to enter the industry is low. Even though we’re a course provider, we’re the first to point out that three courses and a state exam aren’t enough to prepare a new licensee for the complexities of guiding a buyer or seller through a real estate deal. (In fact, we’ve been saying it for years.)

Wait a minute, you’re saying: doesn’t the California Association of Realtors (CAR) already provide designations and the like?

Plenty of fine licensees may belong to CAR (whether out of habit, or improper inculcation), but paying $500 a year to the trade union isn’t a guarantee of the quality of a licensee’s practice. It’s just proof of union membership.

What we’re advocating (and what the CalBRE brings to light with their forward-thinking suggestions) is that the industry, without union dues, be recognized by these minimum standards of professionalism. New agents benefit by gaining the proper training to protect their clients. Existing agents gain through smoother deals, without worrying about having to carry improperly trained agents.

We know you have your own opinions on the matter – and now’s your opportunity to give voice to them. It’s the best way to change your industry for the better. Email Commissioner Bell at wayne.bell@dre.ca.gov, or call him and the CalBRE executive staff at 916.263.8704.

Other highlights, and staying in touch

CalBRE’s Winter Real Estate Bulletin also contains a digest of new real estate legislation passed in 2014 (we also provided free digests of up-and-coming bills, new laws and real estate cases), some reminders about NMLS reporting requirements and a plucky Pink Floyd reference.

If you haven’t perused the latest Real Estate Bulletin, take a moment to flip through it here. For other ways of staying in the know on CalBRE’s guidance and policy stances, check out our article on CalBRE public forums and activity.

See you next bulletin!