Tax Benefits of Ownership

Learn what drives your clients by learning the profit tax implications of real estate transactions. Stay current on the latest news, videos, forms, and updates for Tax Benefits of Ownership.

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The MID truth test

The MID truth test

This article examines the arguments for protecting the mortgage interest tax deduction (MID), reveals who truly benefits from the subsidy and questions both its viability and actual use as a marketing tool by real estate brokers and agents.

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A gift: bonus vehicle depreciation deductions

A gift: bonus vehicle depreciation deductions

26 Code of Federal Regulations 601.105 Amended by Revenue Procedure 2012-23 Effective date: immediately The Internal Revenue Service allows a first-year bonus depreciation business deduction of $8,000 for automobiles acquired in 2012. The first-year bonus depreciation...

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Sales tax increase proposal

California’s governor has proposed a 0.5% increase in state sales tax in reaction to “partisan gridlock” that affected 2011’s budget process. first tuesday take: Should this increase occur, it will have no effect on the price of first tuesday continuing education and...

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