California’s governor has proposed a 0.5% increase in state sales tax in reaction to “partisan gridlock” that affected 2011’s budget process.

first tuesday take: Should this increase occur, it will have no effect on the price of first tuesday continuing education and licensing courses. We include tax as part of the total price of our courses and materials under our arrangement with the State Board of Equalization (SBOE). [For more information regarding how to obtain or renew a California real estate salesperson or broker’s license, go to!]

That said, this type of tax is on the poorer 99%, with essentially no contribution from the 1% most benefitting from the dynamics of our California economy. When it comes to a vote, the “no” vote will indicate the number of voters who took their brains with them into the voting booth.

Re: “California – Multiple Taxes: Governor Will Have Tax Increase Proposal Submitted to Voters” from CCH