Calif. Government Code §8589.45
Added by A. B. 646
Effective date: July 1, 2018
Residential rental and lease agreements will be required to disclose to a tenant, in no smaller than eight-point font:
- when the landlord has actual knowledge the rental property is located in a flood hazard zone or area of potential flooding;
- that the tenant may obtain information about hazards from the website of the Office of Emergency Services;
- that the tenant needs to consider insuring their possessions, as the landlord’s insurance does not cover loss of their possessions; and
- that the landlord is not required to provide additional information about flood hazards.
A landlord is presumed to have actual knowledge their property is in a flood hazard zone or area of potential flooding when:
- a public agency has notified the landlord in writing that the property is located in a flood hazard zone;
- the landlord’s mortgage holder requires the landlord to have flood insurance; or
- the landlord currently has flood insurance
These disclosures are required to be translated into the language used to negotiate the lease if the language used was Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese or Korean.