Under SB 567, the allowances for a no fault eviction have narrowed.
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Under SB 567, the allowances for a no fault eviction have narrowed.
The rent is still too darn high — but not as high as it was yesterday here in California.
A landlord or property manager uses RPI Forms 563-2 and 563-3 to notify a tenant of bed bug prevention strategies and the pest control operator’s observations when a bed bug infestation has been inspected.
A leasing or sales agent uses RPI Forms 161, 161-1 and 161-2 when arranging an option to purchase property.
California’s low homeownership rate means rentals are in high demand, with vacancies near historic lows.
Olympic and Georgia Partners, LLC v. County of Los Angeles
Apartment landlords are cashing in on reduced storage space by partnering with companies who rent household goods to tenants.
A property manager or landlord uses RPI Form 587 to mutually terminate a lease agreement and RPI Form 588 to notify a tenant of a temporary displacement due to invasive repairs or fumigation work that requires them to temporarily move out.
Roxbury Lane LP, v. Benjamin Harris
No Corrections Currently Reported.