Have you ever shown a house that was haunted?
- No. (67%, 8 Votes)
- Yes. (33%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 12
Share your ghost stories with us in the comments below. Happy Halloween!
Posted by ft Editorial Staff | Oct 31, 2016 | Real Estate | 2
is the production staff comprised of legal editor Fred Crane, writer-editors Connor P. Wallmark, Carrie B. Reyes, Amy Platero, David Swistock, consulting instructor Summer Goralik, graphic designer Mary LaRochelle, video instructor Bill Mansfield and video editors John Rojas, Quinn Stevenson and Jose Melendez Avila.
I was hosting an open house with another realtor at an old house built over 100 years ago by a female architect. During the open house, another realtor stopped by to say “Hi” and see our listing. She went upstairs to see the house. Shortly after, she ran downstairs and out the door like she had seen a ghost. She got in her car and sped off without saying goodbye. It was very strange. We finished our open house that day and the next day. Three days later, she contacted us to inform us that she had seen an apparition upstairs of an old lady with long white hair and earrings approach her in the bedroom. The old woman was angry and told her to leave. So she did! We learned later that it was the old lady architect that built the house. She died in that home.
I lived in Northern California on the Sacramento River. A really beautiful Queen Anne Victorian was for sale in a great area of town. The listing agent met my husband and me at the home. She took us on a tour of the home which was partially furnished. We were upstairs in the Master Bedroom and the Agent said that she must disclose to us that the house was haunted. My husband started laughing and at the same time the downstairs piano started playing. All the hairs on our bodies stood up on end and we all ran down the stairs. All the doors were still locked and no one was near the piano. We did not buy the house and the agent then had to admit she knew the house was haunted and used me as a reference. Now sometimes when I am showing houses nothing happens but I feel my hair rising and I have that weird feeling again.