A condominium (condo) owner’s unit was flooded by sewage seeping in from a leaking sewer pipe located beneath the unit, exclusively servicing the condo owner’s unit. The homeowners’ association (HOA) repaired the damage and demanded the condo owner pay the repair cost. The condo owner rejected the HOA’s demand, claiming the HOA was responsible for the cost of repairing the damage to his unit caused by the sewer pipe since the covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) listed the sewer pipes as common property owned and maintained by the HOA. The HOA claimed the condo owner was responsible for the cost of repairing the damage to the condo owner’s unit caused by the sewer pipe since the sewer pipe exclusively serviced the condo owner’s unit, excluding it from the common property owned and maintained by the HOA as stated under the CC&Rs. A California court of appeals held an HOA is responsible for the cost of repairing the damage to a condo owner’s unit caused by a sewer pipe since sewer pipes exclusively service a condo owner’s unit as part of the entire sewer system, which is common property owned and maintained by the HOA as stated under CC&Rs. [Dover Village Association v. Jennison (2010) 191 CA4th 123]
HOA pays for water damage to condo unit caused by sewer pipe