Do you use video to market your listings?

  • Never. (57%, 12 Votes)
  • Usually. (29%, 6 Votes)
  • Occasionally. (14%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 21

How do you market your listings?

Many agents hold open houses, post their listings on various websites and of course their local multiple listing service (MLS). But the marketing strategy of the moment? The video listing.

Increasingly, innovative agents are turning to video to set themselves apart from the competition. These videos are often created by the agents themselves, or are contracted out to professional film makers. They can consist of a simple tour of the home, or include footage from the surrounding area. Videos are then uploaded to the agent’s personal website and any other site frequented by buyers.

You may wonder if video listings are really necessary during this low inventory environment, as listings generally go quickly no matter what.

True, using video is not be required to get a home sold. But video listings can generate more interest, more offers, and a higher purchase price.

first tuesday insight

Video listings benefit the agent in a number of ways, the seller in few.

First, preparing a video listing for your seller sets you apart from the competition. If you offer this additional service up-front, sellers may be more likely to choose you to list their home.

Further, posting video listings online gives the agent greater visibility. In turn, other sellers may be prompted to contact you if the video is professionally made and well publicized.

Lastly, video listings give agents a better chance of double-ending the transaction. Buyers love photos, virtual tours and videos. For many buyers not represented by an agent, they will only tour homes that have plenty of online visualizations. Thus, the agent using a video listing increases their chances of working directly with the buyer, if not actually representing both the seller and the buyer, and doubling up on their fee.

Agent advice

A professional online presence is crucial to succeeding in branding yourself in today’s market. If videos are beyond your reach, spend some time making your agent website appear more professional and search-friendly.

Brush up on search engine optimization (SEO) to make your website more searchable. Easy fixes include:

  • designing your website so it is easy to navigate;
  • making your website smartphone friendly; and
  • use popular, yet unique, key words in your page titles.

For more SEO tips, see Google’s SEO Starter Guide.

Re: For tech-savvy buyers, real estate agents go to the video from the Washington Post