Take a more active role in the discussion of real estate trends and practice on the firsttuesday Journal. Become a guest writer.

Guest articles must be California-specific and relevant to an audience of real estate professionals. Preference is given to pieces covering:

  • buyer representation;
  • commercial real estate;
  • lending;
  • appraisals;
  • office management; and
  • real estate practice and agency issues.

Writers will receive credit for accepted article submissions and will have the option to provide a brief (2-4 sentences) biography, a photo and a website link to be included in their article posting.

Rules for Article Submissions

1. Articles must be in editable format, preferably Microsoft Word.

2. Article length must range from 500 – 1500 words.

3. firsttuesday editorial staff will edit the article to conform to the journal’s writing style. If content is to be edited beyond grammatical changes, the editorial staff will contact the guest writer for permission before posting.

If you feel you are up to the challenge, e-mail submissions to editorial@firsttuesday.us. Label the subject “Guest writer submission” and include your name, e-mail address and the topic the submission covers. Please indicate in your article submission e-mail that you have read firsttuesday journal’s Copyright Notice. The editorial staff will respond within 3-6 business days.

Some tips to increase the likelihood that your article will be chosen for publication:

  • include your professional insight;
  • have an opinion, and make an argument for your opinion;
  • keep the focus of the article clear and to point;
  • bullet points and concise wording are encouraged; and
  • cite any data or reports referenced in the article