Buying Homes in Foreclosure

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Escrowing a note and trust deed assignment

Escrowing a note and trust deed assignment

Part II of this article series discusses the escrowing the assignment of a trust deed note. For insight into methods of investing in trust deed notes and the due diligence investigation and documentation needed for the purchase of an existing trust deed note, see Part...

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Investing in trust deed notes

Investing in trust deed notes

Discover how to invest in trust deed notes in this two-part series. Part I of this article series discusses the various methods of investing in trust deed notes and the due diligence investigation and documentation needed for the purchase of an existing trust deed...

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Starbucks: Moves in and runs with the action

Starbucks: Moves in and runs with the action

Starbucks fuels higher home value — or so it seems on the surface. Think of the old adage about the chicken or the egg. Which came first? On one side of the aisle, Zillow claims Starbucks fuels neighboring home values. The other side of the discussion holds  the...

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Errata & Updates

  • Effective January 1st, 2021, California homeowners qualify for a net equity homestead protection of up to $300,000 or the median sale price for a single family residence (SFR) in the homeowner’s county in the calendar year prior to the year in which they claim the exemption, not to exceed $600,000 (adjusted annually for inflation). [CCP §704.730] For more on this topic, see Form-of-the-Week: Homestead exemption, an asset preservation declaration – Form 465