NOT Mexico’s Independence Day

It is a common misconception that the 5th of May is Mexico’s day of independence from Spain. However, it is actually a commemoration of the day Mexican forces, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin, defeated the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

In order to fully celebrate this great day, it is important to eat a lot of chips and salsa. Listed below are some kinds of salsas and links to recipes.

· Salsa roja, “red sauce”: used as a condiment in Mexican and southwestern U.S. cuisine, and usually made with cooked tomatoes, chili peppers, onion, garlic, and fresh cilantro (coriander leaves).

· Salsa cruda (“raw sauce”), also known as pico de gallo (“cock’s beak”), salsa picada (“chopped sauce”), salsa mexicana (“Mexican sauce”), or salsa fresca (“fresh sauce”): made with raw tomatoes, lime juice, chilli peppers, onions, cilantro leaves, and other coarsely chopped raw ingredients.

· Salsa verde, (“green sauce”): Mexican version made with tomatillos. Sauces made with tomatillos are usually cooked. Italian version made with herbs.

· Salsa ranchera, (“ranch-style sauce”): made with tomatoes, various chilies, and spices. Typically served warm, it possesses a thick, soupy quality. Though it contains none, it imparts a characteristic flavor reminiscent of black pepper.

· Salsa brava, (“wild sauce”): a mildly spicy sauce, often flavored with paprika. On top of potato wedges, it makes the dish patatas bravas, typical of tapas bars in Spain.

Please see and for more information on both the holiday and salsa.