This law standardizes permit fees for rooftop solar installation across the state.
California Government Code §66015
Amended by SB 1222
Effective dates: January 1, 2013 – January 1, 2018
This law clarifies the amount cities and counties can charge residents for a permit to install a rooftop solar energy system. The cost of the permit is not to exceed the reasonable cost of providing the permit service.
For residential rooftop solar systems, the cost of the permit cannot exceed:
- $500; plus
- $15 per kilowatt (kW) for each kW above 15kW.
For commercial rooftop solar systems, the cost of the permit cannot exceed:
- $1,000; plus
- $7 per kW for each kW between 51kW and 250kW; plus
- $5 for every kW above 250kW.
The standardized amounts can be exceeded if the city or county provides substantial evidence the reasonable cost to issue the permit exceeds the allowed amount.
I’ve stumbled onto a new technology a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) that can replace petroleum, coal, natural gas, nuclear fission, significantly reduce pollution and waste products associated with energy production. It does take time to integrate a new technology. There will be little if any short term effect on existing energy markets even after the introduction of LENR. So don’t worry to much about your energy portfolio (short term) if you have one. Most people have never heard of LENR. Still, if we package an all electric Tesla Motors (USA) Model S or a Nissan Leaf with a LENR and a KB Home we can all be energy efficient and start saving.
Enter “Cold Fusion LENR 2013” into google, bing, or yahoo search. LENR, Lattice Assisted (LALENR), Chemical Assisted (CALENR) prototypes are also being researched globally. The technology is close to commercialization. Watch for a military/commercial standard/specification, this generally occurs prior to licensing and production. LENR technology should not end up in a basement filing cabinet somewhere. The more people that discover LENR technology the better.