Use this free letter template to assist your clients.

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(Recipient Name)
(Recipient Address)
(City), (State) (Zip)

Dear (Recipient_Name),

My name is (Agent/Owner Name) and I own the property at (Property Address), (APN). I’m writing to let you know my property will soon be listed “for sale.” Before I market my property to the general public, I want to give neighbors the first opportunity to consider the purchase.

I know many people would love to own another property in their neighborhood. Whether you’re interested in a second home for your family or want to invest in a familiar location, this opportunity might be just what you’re looking for. Do you have friends who’ve always wanted to live in the neighborhood? Don’t hesitate to pass along this information to them!

My asking price is (Asking Price). If this appeals to you or any of your friends and family, let me know before it’s too late!

I’ve highlighted my parcel on the assessors map below and I can answer any questions you might have about my property — just call me at (Agent/Owner Phone) or email me at (Agent/Owner Email).

