Legal Aspects of Real Estate

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DRE Hot Seat: Failure to report felonies and website advertisement blunders

DRE Hot Seat: Failure to report felonies and website advertisement blunders

This article is part of an ongoing series covering violations of real estate law. Here, the Department of Real Estate (DRE) revoked the real estate license of a broker who failed to report felony charges brought against them, advertised real estate services on their website while not in good legal standing with the Secretary of State, and failed to disclose required information in their website advertisements.  

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Errata & Updates

  • In Chapter 25, references to “a intervivos trust” should be “an intervivos trust.”
  • In Chapter 33, in the third bullet point beginning “55 or older with an annual income…”, $15,000
    should be $25,000 and $20,000 should be $35,000.
  • Answer Key for Quiz 9, Question 2. The correct answer should be “d.”, not “c.