Calif. Civil Code §§4528 and 4530
Amended by A.B. 2430
Effective date: January 1, 2015

A homeowners’ association (HOA) is required to itemize and provide to a seller of a separate interest within a common interest development (CID) the cost of providing CID disclosures to a buyer. The HOA may not charge extra for electronic delivery of the disclosures.

The HOA is to provide the itemized cost disclosure prior to delivering the disclosures to the seller.

The seller is responsible for paying the HOA the required disclosure fees. Further, the seller is to provide the buyer:

  • current copies of the CID disclosures in possession of the seller, at no cost to the buyer; and
  • the itemized statement detailing the fees incurred for each disclosure document provided to the seller by the HOA.

In delivering disclosures to the buyer, the seller may not bundle non-CID disclosures with CID disclosures.

Editor’s note — CID disclosures include the covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs), bylaws, operating rules, etc.