[Reader], legislative gossip, and more ADU options for
California homeowners and renters

Week of November 13, 2023

California home sales volume

California home sales volume
Home sales volume continues to fall, with the number of homes closing escrow down 20% from a year earlier in September 2023.

Form-of-the-Week: Loan Broker Listing Agreement, and Disclosure of Mortgage Loan Broker Fees — Forms 104 and 119-1

Form-of-the-Week: Loan Broker Listing Agreement, and Disclosure of Mortgage Loan Broker Fees — Forms 104 and 119-1
Learn how to use the Loan Broker Listing Agreement, and Disclosure of Mortgage Loan Broker Fees.

No more owner-occupancy requirements for ADUs

No more owner-occupancy requirements for ADUs
Updates to California's housing laws broaden the options for homeowners who want to cash in on surging demand for ADUs.