Reader, price cuts rise from historic lows plus mortgage lender disclosures
Week of August 14, 2023

May a mortgage lender foreclose on the secured property to collect on a debt discharged by a bankruptcy court?

Recent Case Decision: In re: Gerald N. Reed
May a mortgage lender foreclose on the secured property to collect on a debt discharged by a bankruptcy court?

Does an owner's renovation and conversion of residential improvements into multiple units qualify for an exemption to a rent control ordinance as a new construction project?

Recent Case Decision: NCR Properties LP v. City of Berkeley
Does an owner's renovation and conversion of residential improvements into multiple units qualify for an exemption to a rent control ordinance?

The 20% solution: personal savings rates and homeownership

The 20% solution: personal savings rates and homeownership
The national personal savings rate is inching higher from 2022's decade's low, at 4.3% in June 2023.