Reader, federal eviction moratorium, water shortages limiting development and special use leases.  

Your firsttuesday real estate news
Week of August 30, 2021

Career Coach: your guide to mass marketing emails
The firsttuesday Career Manual guides licensees through building a personal brand, and more!

Lumber prices drop, builders remain cautious
Lumber prices continue to experience volatility, affecting homebuilder potential.

Cash purchases at a seven-year high
Individual cash buyers are taking advantage of stock market profits and remote work.

Second-home demand a symptom of California’s uneven recovery
The white-hot market for second homes is a symptom of California's K-shaped recovery.

DRE Hot Seat: Substantial misrepresentations constitutes dishonesty
Learn how the DRE nabbed a broker who misled clients, mishandled a trust account, and more.

Survey says: 2021 is a seller’s market
Consumer sentiments on buying in the current housing market are at a new low. Find out how sentiment translates to real estate purchases.

U.S. Supreme Court set to weigh in on eviction moratorium
The U.S. eviction moratorium has been scrutinized by the highest court — again.

Jobs move real estate
California employment fell back slightly in July 2021, now 900,000 jobs above a year earlier.

Current market rates
The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage remained roughly level in the week ending August 27, 2021 at 2.87%.

Form udpates  RPI Form Updates

— Form 575-2: 15-Day Notice to Pay Rent with rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through September 1st, 2021

— Form 575-3: 15-Day Notice to Pay Rent without rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through September 1st, 2021


To access all updated forms, view our RPI Forms library here.
Click on Download the Full Forms Library to download our entire catalog.


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