Reader, government aid, agency relationships and very high fire hazard severity zones.  

Your firsttuesday real estate news
Week of April 12, 2021

The eviction moratorium extension: a band-aid solution for a gunshot wound
With vaccinations gaining speed, it's time to pick up the tab. How much back-rent do tenants owe?

Are FHA-insured mortgages declining in popularity?
Find out why mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration aren't the safe bet they used to be for first-time homebuyers.

Word-of-the-Week: Eminent Domain
Finders keepers, losers weepers. Watch our quick overview to see what happens when the government wants your private property for public use.

Legislative Gossip, April 2021
Review the bills lawmakers introduced on transit-oriented housing, rental application form restrictions and a boost for accessory dwelling units.

California home sales volume lays low
In February 2021 alone, the number of homes sold was 23% higher than a year earlier — uncharacteristic for a recession.

The source of home price movement: buyer purchasing power
California home prices rose in step with a rapid increase to purchasing power, despite job losses.

Mortgage rates drive buyer purchasing power
In March 2021, homebuyers saw a 5.2% year-over-year increase in available mortgage funds.

Current market rates
The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate fell back in the week ending April 9, 2021, now at 3.13%.

Form udpates  RPI form updates

— Form 575-2: 15-Day Notice to Pay Rent with rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through June 30th, 2021

— Form 575-3: 15-Day Notice to Pay Rent without rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through June 30th, 2021


To access all updated forms, view our RPI Forms library here.
Click on Download the Full Forms Library to download our entire catalog.


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