Reader, home prices, affordable housing legislation and suing to foreclose.  

Your firsttuesday real estate news
Week of January 11, 2021

SB 1190 expands domestic violence lifeline for tenants
California expands protections for renters who are survivors of domestic abuse.

Word-of-the-Week: Lead-based paint hazard
Learn how to disclose lead-based paint, which was banned in 1978, to your clients.

Brokerage Reminder: Eliminating contingencies – reasonableness required
Not sure how to approach contingency provisions? firsttuesday has you covered.

California home sales volume lays low
The number of homes sold was 17% higher in November 2020 than a year earlier.

California tiered home pricing
Home prices continued to rise in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco during October 2020.

Current market rates
The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage decreased slightly in the week ending January 8, 2021 to 2.65%.

Form udpates  form updates this month

— Form 575: with rent-related fees, on defaults from March 1st, 2020 to August 31st, 2020

— Form 575-1: without rent-related fees, on defaults from March 1st, 2020 to August 31st, 2020

— Form 575-2: with rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through January 31st, 2021

— Form 575-3: without rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through January 31st, 2021


To access all updated forms, view our RPI Forms library here.
Click on Download the Full Forms Library to download our entire catalog.


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