Reader, foreclosure moratorium expiration, and your Monthly Statistical Update.  

Your firsttuesday real estate news
Week of January 4, 2021

Press Release: Q4 2020 Buyer Purchasing Power Index climbs to new heights
Homebuyers with the same income are able to borrow 13.4% more today than a year ago.

AB 3182: New California HOA Rental Restrictions
Rental bans are so 2020. Learn what homeowners' associations need to do to comply with the new law.

Word-of-the-Week: Installment Notes
Our video review of debt repayment notes gives it to you straight — not in installments.

Form of the Week: The asset, liability and net worth balance sheet
Start 2021 right by taking stock of assets and liabilities with RPI Form 209-3.

Current market rates
The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage remained roughly level in the week ending January 1, 2021, now at 2.67%.

Form udpates  form updates this month

— Form 575: with rent-related fees, on defaults from March 1st, 2020 to August 31st, 2020

— Form 575-1: without rent-related fees, on defaults from March 1st, 2020 to August 31st, 2020

— Form 575-2: with rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through January 31st, 2021

— Form 575-3: without rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st, 2020 through January 31st, 2021


To access all updated forms, view our RPI Forms library here.
Click on Download the Full Forms Library to download our entire catalog.


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