Reader, appraisal waivers, your Monthly Statistical Update and stages of foreclosure.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of November 30, 2020

Foreclosure requirements shift in California
Lawmakers strike back at Wall Street banks by forbidding bundling foreclosure properties.

Word-of-the-Week: Judicial foreclosure
Is one minute long enough to cover the basics of a sheriff's sale? You be the judge.

Brokerage Reminder: Carryback financing
Tighter mortgage restrictions mean it's time to brush up on seller financing fundamentals.

California tiered home pricing
Home prices continued their climb in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco during September 2020.

Jobs move real estate
Jobs are now 8.3% below their December 2019 peak, an erasure of the past four years of job growth.

Los Angeles housing indicators
As of September 2020, a strangled MLS inventory gave way to home sales volume 10% below 2019.

Orange County housing indicators
As of October 2020, year-to-date sales volume was 3% below a year earlier.

Riverside housing indicators
Year-to-date sales volume has Riverside 5% below 2019 as of September 2020.

Current market rates
The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage remained at 2.72% in the week ending November 27, 2020.

Form udpates  form updates this month

NEW 15-Day Notice to Pay Rent with Required COVID-19 Declaration:

— Form 575: with rent-related fees, on defaults from March 1st to August 31st

— Form 575-1: without rent-related fees, on defaults from March 1st to August 31st

— Form 575-2: with rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st through January 31st

— Form 575-3: without rent-related fees, on defaults from September 1st through January 31st


To access all updated forms, view our RPI Forms library here.
Click on Download the Full Forms Library to download our entire catalog.


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