Reader, new COVID-19 guidelines, and qualifications of a capable grantor.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of August 10, 2020

Brokerage Reminder: When in doubt, disclose – always!
Brush up on the Transfer Disclosure Statement and the importance of disclosing material facts.

Legislative Gossip Update, August 2020
Stay ahead of these newly-proposed COVID-19 and mobilehome tenant protection bills.

Recent Case Decision: Harris v. University Village Thousand Oaks
May the landlord of an elder-care facility enforce an arbitration provision in a tenancy agreement?

Recent Case Decision: Zieve, Broadnax, & Steele, LLP v. Dhindsa
Are surplus funds from a trustee’s sale distributed in proportion to co-ownership interests?

FARM: Health precautions when buying a home
A letter informing potential clients about staying safe and healthy through the homebuying process.

ARMs are unattractive in 2020 as FRM rates fall
The average adjustable rate mortgage decreased to an average rate of 3.03% in July 2020.

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