Reader, market comparison approach, housing vouchers and DRE Hot Seat.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of February 10, 2020

The votes are in: Is California in the midst of an economic downturn?
Readers weigh in on whether California is headed for another recession.

Legislative Gossip Update, February 2020
Keep up with the latest California legislation, including a bill excluding homeownership savings from gross income.

Using the yield spread to forecast recessions and recoveries
In January 2020, the yield spread declined from the prior month, averaging +0.24 points.

Current market rates
The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage decreased to 3.45% in the week ending February 7, 2020.

When is it okay for a landlord to enter a tenant’s unit without permission?
Read the few instances when a landlord may enter a unit without permission.

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