Reader, housing recovery, homebuyer regrets and fintech.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of July 29, 2019

California State Budget rewards development, punishes NIMBYs
first tuesday breaks down the most important housing and homelessness items of the 2019 California State Budget.

Recent Case Decision: Wright v. County of San Mateo
May an owner of a home constructed while title was held by an LLC receive tax benefits under Prop 13?

Refinances oppose interest rate movement
Refinances made up 46% of the 95,500 mortgage originations in Q1 2019.

Jobs move real estate
California employment increased in June 2019, generating a 2.0% year-over-year increase.

Current market rates
The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate decreased slightly to 3.79% in the week ending July 26, 2019.

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