Reader, interest rates, wire transfer fraud and new 2019 laws.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of December 10, 2018


How higher interest rates impact real estate
Interest rate movement going into 2019: a real-life example for California's housing market

DRE watch: Wire transfer fraud alert
A recent DRE publication sounds the alarm about wire transfer fraud — what other kinds of fraud should you be worried about?

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Clarification coming on live/work unit regulations
A recently passed bill orders California to clarify building codes for live/work units.

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Poll  Vote on it

Do you think mortgage interest deductions drive up the price a buyer pays for a home?

Do you think mortgage interest deductions for income tax reporting increase the volume of home sales to families in California?


California Homeowner Bill of Rights is reenacted
California has reenacted various provisions of the Homeowner Bill of Rights which expired on January 1, 2018.

Timing the market in 2019; Monthly Statistical Update (December 2018)
Home prices peak in Q3 and a falling yield spread signals the next recession.

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New law enacts Wildfire Safety Finance Act
This act allows property owners in very high fire hazard severity zones to access financing to make fire safety improvements.

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Landlords may not prevent or penalize tenant emergency assistance
A new law seeks to protect tenants’ rights to request emergency assistance.

New delivery rules for HOA notices
The timeline for HOAs to provide notices is reduced to 28 days and email delivery is added to acceptable delivery methods.

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Property tax exemption amount increased for charitable housing
A new law raises the maximum value qualifying low-income rental property for property tax exemption.

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Changes to payment schedules for deferred property taxes
This bill changes repayment schedules for property tax payments deferred due to disasters.

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Los Angeles housing indicators [chart]
The Los Angeles housing market is poised for a significant price correction in 2019.

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Orange County housing indicators [chart]
The construction industry is seeing signs of a resurgence in multi-family construction starts.

Riverside housing indicators [chart]
Riverside’s economy remains in a state of prolonged recovery.

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The votes are in: Undisclosed referral fees are unlawful kickbacks
Our readers weigh in on undisclosed referral fees. Find out why they're unlawful.

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