Reader, the PACE program's tax problems, and buyer demand for SFRs.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of September 3, 2018


California-sponsored PACE program struggles with tax problems
PACE programs are causing more harm than good to homeowners.

Suburban SFRs still top homebuyer wish lists
We talk with Zillow's Senior Economist about CA homebuyers' preference.

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High homebuyer competition subsides across CA
Even as CA tops the list of most competitive housing markets, competition is gradually decreasing.

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Poll  Vote on it

1. What impact will loosening immigration restrictions have on California’s housing market?

2. Do you believe growth in infrastructure and military spending will create more jobs in California?


Jobs, home sales, agents – peaked or not quite
The Monthly Statistical Update for September 2018.

CA tiered home pricing [chart]
Home prices continued to rise in CA’s largest cities in June 2018.

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How to expand your mortgage brokerage beyond CA
Our guest author provides tips for expanding your mortgage business to other states.

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The rise and fall of real estate brokers and agents [chart]
The number of active agents increased slightly in July 2018.

Newly licensed sales agent and broker population [chart]
The number of new agent licenses in Q2 2018 was lower than a year earlier.

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FARM: Sellers of tax defaulted property
Solicit sellers who have defaulted on their property taxes.

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