Reader, How to enforce section 8 contracts, and online brokerages become investors.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of June 4, 2018


How does a landlord enforce a Section 8 contract?
Accepting section 8 vouchers requires extra steps. We discuss the process with our forms.

Redfin and Zillow test out buying homes directly
Redfin and Zillow are buying homes from sellers. Is this a market changer?

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The yield spread’s directive for home prices
The yield spread has dipped below 1% in 2018.

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Poll  Vote on it

What is the biggest challenge in today’s housing market?


Does FEHA preempt local ordinances protecting Section 8 tenants from housing discrimination?
See the ruling here.

Is occupancy sufficient to establish residency for a homestead exemption?
A California court of appeals submits a decision.

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Natural Hazard Disclosures
Learn about natural hazards and using the Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Statement.

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Sales agent license renewals flatten in 2018
Read about the trends in the number of sales agent licenses issued and renewed from 2002-present.

Monthly Statistical Update (June 2018)
Download up-to-date data on crucial California real estate trends.

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California tiered home pricing
Home prices turn in a mixed performance across California's metropolitan areas.

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The votes are in: fewer licensees discuss the arbitration provision with clients
Readers weigh in on discussing the arbitration provision with clients.

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