Reader, HUD's shifting fair housing goals, and telemarketing regulations for MLOs.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of May 28, 2018


HUD steps back from its fair housing goals
HUD proposes big changes to its mission.

Do Not Call — or call with caution
A look at regulations regarding telemarketing campaigns for MLOs.

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CA homes sold at record pace in 2017
Homes are flying off the market faster than ever.

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Poll  Vote on it

Is California real estate in the midst of a speculator-driven bubble?


Lack of affordable rental housing is becoming an emergency in CA
Demand from CA's renter households exceeds available housing.

Does a landlord who leases space to a health club operator need to ensure maintenance of an AED on the premises?
Get the ruling here.

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Does a permissive zoning scheme constitute an express declaration of prohibited land uses?
A California court of appeals weighs in.

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Current market rates [chart]
FRM rates increased during the past week.

CFPB updates revise Closing Disclosure timeline rules
The CFPB addresses the "black hole" in the current disclosure timeline.

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Form udpates  Form Updates This Month

- Office Management and Supervision: Forms 505 and 506


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