Your first tuesday real estate news Week of February 5, 2018
Trump’s year in review on housing How Trump's first year in office has affected housing.
Home-sales-per-household ratio remains flat despite inventory concerns The figure presented here tells a different story about demand.
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New bill seeks to increase density near transit hubs A transit housing bonus is proposed - but will it pass?
The votes are in: agents cannot provide tax advice? The belief that agents must be silent on the tax aspects persists.
General Duty to Voluntarily Disclose [video] Reviewing the seller’s agent’s duty to timely disclose material facts.
Current market rates [chart] FRM rates increased during the past week.
More CA households are renting [chart] Renter households are increasing faster than owner households.
Construction starts perform below their historical average [chart] Residential construction remained below the historical average in 2017.
Higher education gives a boost to CA’s housing market CA’s public university system is a major player in income class mobility and homeownership.
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