Reader, SFR rentals in CA, and Millennial demand for more space.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of January 8, 2018


SFR rentals hack away at California’s for sale inventory
SFRs turned rentals aren't helping CA's inventory squeeze.

Millennial homebuyers opt for more space
More than half of Millennials want a home with more space.

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The votes are in: lender interests oppose homebuyers
Our readers believe the interests of lenders conflict with homebuyers.

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Poll  Vote on it

1. What direction will home prices go throughout 2018?

2. What do you believe will most influence real estate sales in 2018?


Different Treatment is Discrimination [video]
Discussing lending treatment provided to protected borrowers.

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To buy in 2018? Using sales data to time the market
The Monthly Statistical Update for January 2018.

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CA home sales volume lays low [chart]
Home sales were level with the prior year in November 2017.

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Failure to submit all offers: a reportable offense
Rules for purchase offers received by a seller’s agent.

FARM: Sell your waterfront property now!
Solicit sales from owners of waterfront properties.

How the next recession will impact CA’s housing market
Is another recession imminent?

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