Reader, the CFPB director's resignation and the end of DACA.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of November 20, 2017


CFPB’s future uncertain as director resigns
What does this mean for the housing market?

What happens when the 31,000 Dreamers who own homes in CA leave?
Why the end of DACA hurts CA housing.

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Insurance may cover wrongful trust fund takings by unlicensed employees
Updates to insurance coverage for broker trust funds.

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Poll  Vote on it

Do you support a public ranking of real estate agents in your area?


Changes in population projection methods for determining housing needs
Regional housing needs will factor in rental stats.

Keep your clients informed for smooth transactions
A guide to preparing information to help clients through their transactions.

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Tax-defaulted property owners may not repurchase property for less than the minimum bid
New rules for property tax sales.

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The rising trend in CA construction starts [chart]
Multi-family and SFR construction rose during the past six months.

Clarifications for appraisal management companies
Appraisal companies and services redefined.

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How to time the market [chart]
Analyzing the market to forecast real estate trends.

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The Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA) and Leasing [video]
Understand anti-discrimination laws for rental housing.

Auto sales drive the market
Auto sales increased from the prior year in October 2017.

CA wildfires displace thousands — where will they live now?
Affected housing markets face a major challenge in rebuilding.

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