Reader, the DRE's return saving licensees millions, and CA's recovery.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of November 6, 2017


The DRE reborn — recovering $4 million annually for licensees
Why the CalBRE's return to the DRE is positive for real estate licensees.

Home prices rise — but are not yet fully recovered in CA
Most of the state hasn't returned to the price peaks of the Millennium Boom.

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Disclosure of a Conflict of Interest and Affiliated Business Arrangement — Forms 527 and 519/205
Analysis of disclosures for conflicts of interest.

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Poll  Vote on it

Do you believe real estate agents are permitted to give their clients advice pertaining to the tax aspects on a sales transaction?


Dual Agency and Diminished Benefits [video]
The difficulties of dual agency negotiations.

Counties may decide a property tax is not a lien
Updates to rules for property tax liens.

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Does an owner dedicate their noncoastal property to the public through implication when the public uses it for more than five years?
Get the ruling here.

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Rate of population growth: CA and the U.S. [chart]
The rate of population growth in CA fell in 2016.

FARM: Your property taxes are due December 10
Remind clients of their upcoming property tax bill.

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Age and education in the golden state [chart]
The median age in CA has increased steadily over the past decade.

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FARM: December Newsletter
A newsletter for December to print or email.

FARM: Back in business
Use this flyer to announce your return to real estate.

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CA’s vanishing middle class
The middle class is losing ground — and the housing market is taking notice.

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