Reader, branding your brokerage, and an update on commercial real estate.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of November 28, 2016 


Branding your brokerage – Independent or franchise
Understand the two types of brokerage operations.

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CA regional update: Commercial real estate in Q3 2016
An update on California's commercial real estate market.

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Letter to the editor: Is there a real estate bubble ahead?
We answer your question about the possiblity of a real estate bubble.

Poll  Vote on it

Do you think mortgage interest deductions for income tax reporting increase the volume of home sales to families in California?


Why is the LIBOR rising?
We take a look at what's causing the rise in the LIBOR.

Tech startups are an opportunity for commercial brokers
See how commercial brokers can take advantage of this niche market.

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CID unit owners and annual address updates
Updates to rule for owners in CIDs.

Can an owner in an HOA community obtain title of association property through adverse possession without paying taxes?
Get the ruling here.

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Newly licensed sales agent and broker population
More agents received real estate licenses in Q3 2016 than the prior year.

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Client Q&A: Do I need to disclose crime?
A flyer to explain rules for disclosing criminal activity.

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Poll  MLO renewal

It’s NMLS renewal time — enroll in first tuesday’s 8-hour MLO renewal course now for only $49.50. Our price includes the $12 NMLS fee, all online course materials, credit banking and student support. Sign up online or call 951.781.7300. .


Client Q&A: Does a seller need to disclose a death which occurred on their property?
Help your seller clients understand disclosure rules.

Sales agent license renewals on the uptick
The upward trend in sales agent renewals continued in September 2016.

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FARM: Buy versus rent comparison analysis
Help your prospective clients compare the costs of renting and buying.

CA’s overvalued housing markets: cause for concern?
Last week we looked at housing bubbles in CA.

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